Tuesday, April 16, 2013

.Art Analysis.

What I find really cool about the idea of concept art is its freely done by the artist and anything can be drawn if thought of. What I see with this artwork here is a wild, almost feral looking version of the Locust. I like the way the artist implied grenades and a rustic and survival style to it. The artist is trying to say, that even though we believe the Locust to have a system and order, its not always seen. I believe the surroundings used are based on a sort of scrounger scavenger feel. Like the Jawas from Star Wars, or Raiders from Fallout. Emotion? I guess the artist wanted to express anger and hatred. The face on this grenadier clearly shows it. The reason this artwork was done in this style, was to show a difference between the Locust who are with the Queen, and those who have been abandoned and left on there own. It shows how much a species can change within itself.

To the right is concept art done for an upcoming game, known for now as "Destiny" a game being created by Bungie. Which is the same company that did Halo. This concept art revolves around how futuristic the time will be, and how its going to be first person detail. The significance of this work is based on how Bungie strives to make the ultimate Sci Fi fantasy, and this simple concept art here does show a mere glimpse of what can be. This work helps people like me have inspiration and goals. Dreams of becoming an excellent concept artist for any corporation. As for contemporary society, I believe video games help people become more creative, to think as abstract as possible. I believe that a concept artist has the greatest job and honestly life of any individual in society. They create, imagine, bring life to what we see on televisions and I think thats really cool. Without ideas and the ability to draw them, there would be no video games, heck I doubt movies would be created either. Concept art brings every culture in a sense together, because an idea cannot have one sole group. So in many ways, the ideas brought on by artists that go into these video games, actually brings the world together in a very small amount. And finally, how do these artworks differ from my own? Simple. Everyone has their own image, thought, and overall creativity. It reflects to mine in the sense that no matter what your ideas are, you have to have a core system. A block to stand on, without it, the process for concept art would not be possible. Everyone goes by a set of standards and this is why we see what we do. In the end, art is universal and cannot be set in stone. I just want to understand it, and hopefully bring up my ideas as so many have done before me.

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